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Facial Rehabilitation (34325 Downloads) |
The Effect of Suboccipital Myofascial Release Technique on Cervical Muscle Strength of Patients With Cervicogenic Headache (10492 Downloads) |
Effect of 8-Week Core Stabilization Exercises on Low Back Pain, Abdominal and Back Muscle Endurance in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain due to Disc Herniation (9651 Downloads) |
The Effect of Breathing Exercises on Breathing Pattern of Pregnant Women (9096 Downloads) |
The Effects of Strengthening, Stretching and Comprehensive Exercises on Forward Shoulder Posture Correction (8833 Downloads) |
Anatomical Alignment of Lower Extremity in Subjects With Genu Valgum and Genu Varum Deformities (8426 Downloads) |
Effect of Core Stability Training on Static Balance of the Children With Down Syndrome (6714 Downloads) |
The Reliability of Bubble Inclinometer and Tape Measure in Determining Lumbar Spine Range of Motion in Healthy Individuals and Patients (6395 Downloads) |
Impact and Sustainability of the Training Methods of Tai Chi, Stretching and Williams Exercises on Spinal Flexor Muscle Strength in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain (5983 Downloads) |
Systematic Review: Effects of Using Kinesio Tape on Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis (5837 Downloads) |
Assessment of the High-heel Shoes Effect on Head Protrusion Angle (5501 Downloads) |
A Review Study: Clinical Assessment of Patients With Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (5066 Downloads) |
The Effect of Combination Therapy; Manual Therapy and Exercise, in Patients With Non-Specific Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial (4710 Downloads) |
Effect of eight weeks of core stabilization exercises on postural control and balance of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (4683 Downloads) |
Relationship between Hip and Knee Strength and Knee Valgus Angle during Drop Jump in Elite Female Athletes (4531 Downloads) |
Effect of Sports Activities on Behavioral-Emotional Problems of Students with Intellectual Disability (4494 Downloads) |
Effects of Visual Biofeedback Therapy on Postural Balance of Stroke Patients (4172 Downloads) |
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Low-level Laser Therapy Versus Electrical Stimulation for the Management of Acute Bell’s Palsy: A Randomized Clinical Trial (3956 Downloads) |
Comparison of static and dynamic Balance Of health men, Blind and Deaf Athletes with Non-athletes (3949 Downloads) |
The Test-Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment of the Upper Extremity and 9-Hole Pegboard Test in Individuals With Subacute Stroke (3949 Downloads) |
The Effect of Body-Weight-Supported Training Exercises on Functional Ambulation Profile in Patients with Paraplegic Spinal Cord Injury (3886 Downloads) |
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Effect of Selected Spark Motor Program on Anxiety of Children with Asperger (3615 Downloads) |
Systematic Review: The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles Dysfunction in Constipation (3550 Downloads) |
Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Breathing Exercises on Some Spirometry Indices of Sedentary Students With Poor Posture (3515 Downloads) |
Balance in the Blind: A Systematic Review (3424 Downloads) |
Comparing Unilateral and Bilateral Total Knee Replacement Based on the Functional Approach (3350 Downloads) |
The Effect of 8 Weeks of Core Stability Muscles Training on Kinetics of Single-Leg Landing (3289 Downloads) |
The Effect of Lower Extremity Muscle Fatigue on Dynamic Postural Control Analyzed by Electromyography (3289 Downloads) |
Kinesio Taping Applied to Lumbar Muscles in Static Lumbar Flexion (3288 Downloads) |
The Effects of Different Walking Inclinations on Knee Angle in the Frontal Plane of Patients with Varus Malalignment (3249 Downloads) |
The Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Pain and Range of Motion of Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis (3247 Downloads) |
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of face validity of Persian version of Örebro musculoskeletal pain Screening questionnaire (3245 Downloads) |
Association of Ultrasonography Findings with Pain, Range of Motion, Disability, and Pressure Pain Threshold in Subjects with Upper Trapezius Myofascial Pain Syndrome (3222 Downloads) |
Comparing Isometric Strength of Selected Lower Extremity Muscles in Hyperpronated Foot With Healthy Male Athletes (3212 Downloads) |
The relationship between electromyographic activity and thickness alterations of lateral abdominal wall muscles during pelvic floor muscles contraction in healthy women (3209 Downloads) |
Kinetic and Kinematic Variables in Middle-Aged Women with Normal and Genu Varum Knee Angle with Emphasis on Walking and Running Activities (3208 Downloads) |
Comparison of electromyographic activity of leg muscles in female athletes with and without shin splint (3199 Downloads) |
Comparison of Q Angle and Tibial Torsion Among Premier League Futsal Players With and Without Hamstring Tightness (3190 Downloads) |
Muscular Response of Females with Kyphosis in Balance Recovery from Postural Perturbation (3167 Downloads) |
Effect of Genu Varum Deformity on Gluteus Medius Muscle Activity and Postural Control During Single-Leg Jump-Landing (3142 Downloads) |
Reaction Time and Anticipatory Skill of Overhead Athletes With and Without Scapular Dyskinesia (3139 Downloads) |
Selected Kinematic Characteristics Analysis of Knee and Ankle Joints During Block Jump Among Elite Junior Volleyball Players (3125 Downloads) |
Article - 8 (3121 Downloads) |
The effects of rehabilitation techniques in brain plasticity after stroke: A Systematic Review (3121 Downloads) |
Total Sum: 786291 |