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Facial Rehabilitation (34325 Downloads)
The Effect of Suboccipital Myofascial Release Technique on Cervical Muscle Strength of Patients With Cervicogenic Headache (10492 Downloads)
Effect of 8-Week Core Stabilization Exercises on Low Back Pain, Abdominal and Back Muscle Endurance in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain due to Disc Herniation (9651 Downloads)
The Effect of Breathing Exercises on Breathing Pattern of Pregnant Women (9096 Downloads)
The Effects of Strengthening, Stretching and Comprehensive Exercises on Forward Shoulder Posture Correction (8833 Downloads)
Anatomical Alignment of Lower Extremity in Subjects With Genu Valgum and Genu Varum Deformities (8426 Downloads)
Effect of Core Stability Training on Static Balance of the Children With Down Syndrome (6714 Downloads)
The Reliability of Bubble Inclinometer and Tape Measure in Determining Lumbar Spine Range of Motion in Healthy Individuals and Patients (6395 Downloads)
Impact and Sustainability of the Training Methods of Tai Chi, Stretching and Williams Exercises on Spinal Flexor Muscle Strength in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain (5983 Downloads)
Systematic Review: Effects of Using Kinesio Tape on Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis (5837 Downloads)
Assessment of the High-heel Shoes Effect on Head Protrusion Angle (5501 Downloads)
A Review Study: Clinical Assessment of Patients With Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (5066 Downloads)
The Effect of Combination Therapy; Manual Therapy and Exercise, in Patients With Non-Specific Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial (4710 Downloads)
Effect of eight weeks of core stabilization exercises on postural control and balance of children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (4683 Downloads)
Relationship between Hip and Knee Strength and Knee Valgus Angle during Drop Jump in Elite Female Athletes (4531 Downloads)
Effect of Sports Activities on Behavioral-Emotional Problems of Students with Intellectual Disability (4494 Downloads)
Effects of Visual Biofeedback Therapy on Postural Balance of Stroke Patients (4172 Downloads)
Effects of a Four-Week Vestibular Exercise Program on Postural Control, Risk of Falling, and Quality of Life in Visually-impaired Individuals (4105 Downloads)
The Effect of Massage on Weight Gain of Low-Weight Hospitalized Infants: A Randomized Clinical Trial (3984 Downloads)
Low-level Laser Therapy Versus Electrical Stimulation for the Management of Acute Bell’s Palsy: A Randomized Clinical Trial (3956 Downloads)
Comparison of static and dynamic Balance Of health men, Blind and Deaf Athletes with Non-athletes (3949 Downloads)
The Test-Retest Reliability and Minimal Detectable Change of the Fugl-Meyer Assessment of the Upper Extremity and 9-Hole Pegboard Test in Individuals With Subacute Stroke (3949 Downloads)
The Effect of Body-Weight-Supported Training Exercises on Functional Ambulation Profile in Patients with Paraplegic Spinal Cord Injury (3886 Downloads)
The Effect of Exercise on Anxiety of Adolescents with Intellectual Disability (3768 Downloads)
Experience of Physiotherapists of Teamwork Results: Teamwork of Team Work Results: A Qualitative Study (3741 Downloads)
Review Paper: Activation of Shoulder Girdle Muscles during Gripping Task: a Systematic Review of Literature (3707 Downloads)
The Effect of Intensive Exercise on Beta-Endorphin and Serum Cortisol Levels in Elite Wrestlers (3692 Downloads)
Effect of Selected Spark Motor Program on Anxiety of Children with Asperger (3615 Downloads)
Systematic Review: The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscles Dysfunction in Constipation (3550 Downloads)
Effect of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Breathing Exercises on Some Spirometry Indices of Sedentary Students With Poor Posture (3515 Downloads)
Balance in the Blind: A Systematic Review (3424 Downloads)
Comparing Unilateral and Bilateral Total Knee Replacement Based on the Functional Approach (3350 Downloads)
The Effect of 8 Weeks of Core Stability Muscles Training on Kinetics of Single-Leg Landing (3289 Downloads)
The Effect of Lower Extremity Muscle Fatigue on Dynamic Postural Control Analyzed by Electromyography (3289 Downloads)
Kinesio Taping Applied to Lumbar Muscles in Static Lumbar Flexion (3288 Downloads)
The Effects of Different Walking Inclinations on Knee Angle in the Frontal Plane of Patients with Varus Malalignment (3249 Downloads)
The Effect of Low Level Laser Therapy on Pain and Range of Motion of Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis (3247 Downloads)
Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of face validity of Persian version of Örebro musculoskeletal pain Screening questionnaire (3245 Downloads)
Association of Ultrasonography Findings with Pain, Range of Motion, Disability, and Pressure Pain Threshold in Subjects with Upper Trapezius Myofascial Pain Syndrome (3222 Downloads)
Comparing Isometric Strength of Selected Lower Extremity Muscles in Hyperpronated Foot With Healthy Male Athletes (3212 Downloads)
The relationship between electromyographic activity and thickness alterations of lateral abdominal wall muscles during pelvic floor muscles contraction in healthy women (3209 Downloads)
Kinetic and Kinematic Variables in Middle-Aged Women with Normal and Genu Varum Knee Angle with Emphasis on Walking and Running Activities (3208 Downloads)
Comparison of electromyographic activity of leg muscles in female athletes with and without shin splint (3199 Downloads)
Comparison of Q Angle and Tibial Torsion Among Premier League Futsal Players With and Without Hamstring Tightness (3190 Downloads)
Muscular Response of Females with Kyphosis in Balance Recovery from Postural Perturbation (3167 Downloads)
Effect of Genu Varum Deformity on Gluteus Medius Muscle Activity and Postural Control During Single-Leg Jump-Landing (3142 Downloads)
Reaction Time and Anticipatory Skill of Overhead Athletes With and Without Scapular Dyskinesia (3139 Downloads)
Selected Kinematic Characteristics Analysis of Knee and Ankle Joints During Block Jump Among Elite Junior Volleyball Players (3125 Downloads)
Article - 8 (3121 Downloads)
The effects of rehabilitation techniques in brain plasticity after stroke: A Systematic Review (3121 Downloads)
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