Translation, cross-cultural adaptation and evaluation of face validity of Persian version of Örebro musculoskeletal pain Screening questionnaire. PTJ 2013; 3 (3) :22-26
Abstract: (7524 Views)
Subject: Questionnaires are one of the most important instruments for screening the people with disability. خoccupational low back pain is one of the causes of disability. Initially, questionnaires should be created and adapted with the cultural conditions of the target group in order to generalize the results and to compare with other countries. The aim of the current study was translation, cross cultural adaptation and face validity evaluation of the Persian version of Orebro Musculoskeletal Pain Screening Questionnaire. Materials & Methods: This study was performed according to standard protocols of IQOLA that included following steps: translating the questionnaire, evaluation of the quality of translation, back translation and comparison of the English version with the Persian version by the developer of the questionnaire. Questionnaire was evaluated in basis of quality of translation and face validity that was conducted in 15 low back pain subjects. Result: results showed that the sentences and items translation was easy. Quality of translation (includes clarity of translation, common language use, conceptual equivalence and overall quality of translation)of the items were good. Face validity was evaluated and resulted in changing in the 3 items of questionnaire. Conclusion: in this stage the Persian version of the questionnaire has appropriate cultural adaptation and face Validity. More studies are needed to evaluate it's construct validity and reliability.
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Special Received: 2013/12/22 | Accepted: 2014/02/12 | Published: 2014/03/15