Purpose: This study aimed to introduce a preventive strategy for minimizing sports-related injuries among students enrolled in Iranian schools, utilizing the grounded theory approach.
Methods: The qualitative research methodology using the grounded theory method was employed. Data were gathered through a combination of examining written documents and conducting semi-structured interviews with 15 esteemed professors in the areas of sports pathology and physical education instruction. The sampling process was conducted intentionally and continued until it reached theoretical saturation. To scrutinize the information collected, a constant comparison analysis approach was utilized across three distinct stages, which included open, axial, and selective coding. By scrutinizing the data, a total of 13 primary classifications along with 36 sub-classifications and 182 conceptual codes were identified.
Results: The findings indicated that some contextual factors played a role as causal factors in the issue, including unfavorable weather conditions, students’ lack of motivation, teachers’ lack of enthusiasm for teaching, non-standardized competitions, mental and psychological difficulties, over-emphasizing competition in gameplay, teacher-student ratio disproportion, the absence of a physical education instructor, and classroom capacity. In addition, inadequate sports equipment, insufficient sports space, and environment, school principal’s attitude toward sports, officials’ attitudes, issues with temperature regulation, physical fitness factors, anatomical condition, biological characteristics, sports history, incorrect techniques, and repetitive skills were regarded as contextual factors. The model’s intermediate variables also encompassed various factors, such as the expertise and experience of teachers, their completion of first aid courses, and the presence of a sports assistant. Additionally, it included the knowledge of students and parents, the economic situation of their families, the ability of teachers to motivate and discipline the class, and their ability to ensure order in the classroom. Ultimately, some measures were proposed to prevent sports injuries among students including alterations to existing laws and regulations, an increase in the number of physical education hours, an increment in the budget, the development of an annual program, the utilization of protective equipment, the display of safety posters, medical health assessments, the formation of scientific and specialized task groups, and collaborating with other organizations.
Conclusion: By implementing these strategies, it appears that physical education teachers can significantly reduce the incidence of sports-related injuries among their students.
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• Getting to know the causal, intervening, and background factors that cause sports injuries in students and lead to injury reduction.
• By implementing strategies to prevent sports injuries in schools, many injuries can be avoided during physical education classes.
Plain Language Summary
Each year, a significant part of students encounter physical injuries resulting from sports-related incidents and falls, often leading to significant and irreversible implications for them. Some notable consequences arising from these injuries include the lifelong abandonment of activities and sports, anxiety and apprehension toward engaging in such pursuits, feelings of isolation and depression, chronic pain, and diminished physical fitness levels. The concern surrounding the incidence of sports injuries resulting from children’s physical activity in schoolyards or sports facilities is an issue that both professionals and parents find worrisome. This study used the grounded theory approach and interviews with sports pathology professors and physical education teachers to explore two topics. The first topic was the identification of sports injuries and their risk factors, and the second was the solutions that can prevent and reduce sports injuries in students. The goal was to provide solutions for the implementation of these solutions so that students have fewer injuries and absenteeism and participate more in physical education classes.
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Special Received: 2023/05/31 | Accepted: 2023/07/22 | Published: 2023/10/14