Hosseini E, Daneshjoo A, Sahebozamani M. Comparison of Knee Kinematic Factors Between Ball and Rocket Athletes in Predictable and Unpredictable Cutting Maneuvers. PTJ 2021; 11 (3) :199-208
1- Department of Sports Injuries and Corrective Exercises, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran.
Abstract: (2508 Views)
Purpose: Anterior cruciate ligament injury is one of the most severe knee injuries that often has a non-contact mechanism and follows an incorrect knee joint alignment. The present study aimed to compare the effect of predictable and unpredictable cutting direction on knee joint kinematics in ball and racket athletes.
Methods: The present study was quasi-experimental, and the subjects included 48 female adolescent athletes from badminton (n=12), table tennis (n=12), basketball (n=12), and handball (n=12). After the initial evaluations, the cutting maneuver was performed in predictable and unpredictable ways and recorded by a three-dimension motion analysis. Also, 1-way ANOVA and post hoc tests were used to compare the kinematic parameters of the knee between the ball and racket athletes.
Results: The results of the statistical test showed a significant difference in the kinematic parameters of knee flexion (P=0.003), knee valgus (P=0.001), and tibia rotation (P=0.001) between the ball (basketball and handball) and racket athletes (badminton and table tennis) in the predictable cutting. But in the unpredictable cutting, there were no significant differences in the kinematic parameters of the knee flexion (P=0.86), knee valgus (P=0.56), and tibia rotation (P=0.18).
Conclusion: The results indicated that ball athletes showed an increased kinematic risk factor such as decreased knee flexion, increased knee valgus, and tibia rotation more than rocket athletes. Therefore, injury prevention programs are more critical in ball athletes.
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● There are more dangerous kinematic parameters in the group of ball sports such as basketball or handball.
● The response will significantly effect on the athlete's performance
Plain Language Summary
Athletes in unpredictability sport environments need to quickly choose movement strategies in response to changes of those around them. This response will significantly effect on the athlete's performance and the joint position among sport maneuvers. The cutting side maneuver performs suddenly and frequently in ball and rocket sports and these factors can increase the risk of injury especially non-contact injury in knee joint. because performing cutting side maneuvers in sports conditions with unpredictable factors such as the direction of the ball or pass or even the presence of the opponents or spectators can lead to technical errors and injury. Adolescent girls are more exposed to the risk of injury, and this injury can have devastating effects on a persons life. So, it's suggested that to prevent sports injuries and psychological and physical consequences resulting from it, and to promote the level of competition, the issue of predictability and correct training of techniques in designing exercise for this age group, especially in ball fields, receive more attention. additionally we can reduced the prevalence of non-contact injuries especially in knee joint injuries, by increased athletes awareness and correct performance.
Type of Study:
Research |
General Received: 2021/01/17 | Accepted: 2021/03/2 | Published: 2021/07/1