Ghazaleh L, Saleh-Sedghpour B, Mohajerinejad N, Mansoobi E. Comparing Three Footprint Grades to Evaluate Footprint Indexes for Flat Foot Diagnosis. PTJ 2019; 9 (3) :137-146
1- Department of Sport Physiology, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Shahid Rajaii Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract: (3626 Views)
Purpose: The present study investigated the most appropriate footprint index and its related parameters for the diagnosis of flatfoot, especially in cases with mild deformity.
Methods: In total, 148 footprints were recorded from 77 young women with flatfoot. Footprints were classified into three groups of mild, moderate, and sever. Footprint indexes included Sztriter-Godunov (KY), Clarke’s Angle (CA), Chippaux-Smirak Index (CSI), and Staheli (ST) indexes. The mentioned indexes and their relevant parameters were calculated on the footprints in the aforementioned groups. Exploratory factor analysis was used to identify proper components for the diagnosis of flatfoot. By multivariate analysis of variance, between-group differences were assessed. A Chi-squared test was used to identify the most accurate index for the diagnosis of mild flatfoot.
Results: Exploratory factor analysis based on the parameters of footprint indexes identified three essential components. Two identified components were based on the 6 parameters of CSI, KY, and ST indexes in moderate and sever footprints. The third component was related to footprints with mild grading and was composed of three extracted parameters from midfoot region. Moreover, the linear combination of the three last parameters suggested a significant difference between three groups (P<0.01). Eventually, KY index could identify the highest number of flatfoots in the mild group (P=0.000).
Conclusion: Study findings revealed that indexes in which parameters were extracted from midfoot region could be suitable for the diagnosis of mild flatfoot. KY index’s parameters were extracted from midfoot. Considering that KY could identify several remarkable mild flatfoots in comparison with other indexes, we can introduce it as a proper index.
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● KY index is appropriate for the diagnosis of flatfoot.
● A proper footprint index for the diagnosis of flatfoot is the one that can detect mild flatfoot.
● Parameters that are extracted from the midfoot region are proper for the diagnosis of flatfoot.
Plain Language Summary
In flatfoot deformity, the height of the longitudinal arch decreases or completely disappears. There are different methods for flatfoot diagnosis. A method for registering imprint of foot plantar which is known as footprint is invasive, simple, and convenient. There are various indexes that by calculating them, we can quantify foot morphology and diagnose the presence of flatfoot. There is no consensus concerning best existing index, and some researchers are looking for the most proper index. The present study results revealed that Sztriter-Godunov (KY) index is appropriate for the diagnosis of flatfoot.
Type of Study:
Research |
Special Received: 2019/01/10 | Accepted: 2019/04/23 | Published: 2019/07/1