Gheitasi M, Bayattork M, Hovanloo F, Porrajab H. Comparing the Effect of a Fatigue Protocol on Kinematic Gait Parameters in Students With Genu Valgum and Genu Varum and Their Normal Peers. PTJ 2019; 9 (2) :97-106
1- Department of Health & Sport Rehabilitation, Sport Sciences and Health Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
2- Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, University of Hormozgan, Bandar Abbas, Iran.
3- Department of Sport Pathology and Corrective Exercises, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Islamic Azad University Karaj, Alborz, Iran.
Abstract: (3612 Views)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of a fatigue protocol on some kinematic gait parameters in students with genu valgum, genu varum and normal people.
Methods: Samples of this study included 37 high school students (age 16.39 years, height 172.42 cm, weight 71.10 kg) who participated voluntarily in the study and were divided into three groups of genu valgum (n=13), genu varum (n=12) and normal (n=12). In order to evaluate the alignment of the lower extremity, goniometry-based quadriceps angle (Q) measurement was performed and the kinematic parameters were evaluated by a 10-m walk test using KINOVEA software.
Results: Intragroup comparison results showed that there were significant differences in stance time, swing time, step length, walking speed, number of steps and walking distance between all three groups after inducing the fatigue protocol (p<0.001), while intergroup comparison results showed significant differences between the three groups only in terms of stance time, swing time, and stride length after applying the fatigue protocol (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The present study showed that the fatigue protocol can affect kinematic gait parameters in people with knee abnormalities and those with normal alignment, and these effects differ in some parameters between normal subjects and those with genu varum and genu valgum.
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● The fatigue protocol can affect kinematic gait parameters in people with knee abnormalities and those with normal alignment.
● The subsequent effects of a fatigue protocol may differ in some parameters between normal subjects and those with genu varum and genu valgum.
● Our findings may help practitioners in this field to assess and manage their clients.
Plain Language Summary
Fatigue may cause variations in some parameters of gait, especially in those with knee misalignment and healthy adolescents as well, which suggests more attention to corrective exercise programs to improve the knee misalignment. Also, recording the gait parameters before and after the intervention would be valuable information regarding the improvement of knee misalignments.
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Special Received: 2019/02/22 | Accepted: 2019/05/14 | Published: 2019/11/12