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Showing 1 results for عربلو

Leyla Nejad, Amir Masoud Arabloo,
Volume 3, Issue 2 (Summer 2013)

Background: We undertook a literature review to produce evidence-based recommendation for the use of kinesio tape of patella on patellofemoral pain syndrome . Data source: A full literature electronic search was performed using google scholar ,pubmed, science direct, proquest, medline, advanced google and pedro database. keywords were :patellofemoral pain syndrome, kinesio tape, knee pain, patella Study selection: Criteria that were used by researcher included the studies that exclusively recruited patients diagnosed with patellofemoral pain syndrome or anterior knee pain and outcome measures specific to pain reduction, neuromuscular control, and patellar position. Data extraction: We found 60 articles through database searching, 18 articles, potentially relevant papers retrieved for evaluation of full text .Generaly studies put into 3 categories on the based of the outcome measurement. Data synthesis: Although patellar taping seems to reduce pain in short term and improve function in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome, strong evidence to identify the underlying mechanisms is still not available. keywors: Patellofemoral pain syndrome, patella, kinesio tape, knee pain.

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