Volume 12, Issue 2 (Spring 2022)                   PTJ 2022, 12(2): 93-102 | Back to browse issues page

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Safari Zanjani F, Haghani A, Mousavi S H, Safari Zanjani H, Muniroglu S. The Role of Core Stability Exercises on Internal Rotator Cuff Muscles Strength and its Motor Function in Amateur Archers. PTJ 2022; 12 (2) :93-102
URL: http://ptj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-529-en.html
1- Department of Physical Education, Roozbeh Institute of Higher Education, Zanjan, Iran.
2- Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Zanjan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Zanjan, Iran.
3- Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
Abstract:   (2314 Views)
Purpose: Most studies have examined the effect of stretching and strengthening exercises on the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint). However, due to the importance of the relationship between core stability and pectoral girdle, especially in archery athletes, this study aimed to investigate the effect of six weeks of core stability exercises on the internal rotator muscle strength of the glenohumeral joint and its motor function in male archers.
Methods: For this purpose, 30 athletes were randomly divided into 2 groups of 15: with core stability exercises (experimental group) and without core stability exercises (control group). The motor function was measured using the upper quarter Y-balance test (UQYBT), and the muscle strength of the lumbar muscles was measured using a hand-held dynamometer (HHD). Then, the experimental group underwent a selected exercise program for 6 weeks. Both groups were tested again (post-test). SPSS software version 21 was used to analyze the collected data; also, independent and dependent samples t-tests were used to compare the data. The significance level in the test was determined at 95%.
Results: Changes in posttest results on internal rotator muscle strength (P=0.001) and motor function (P=0.022) showed a significant difference between the two groups.
Conclusion: Therefore, due to the effect of core stability exercises on the above variables, it is recommended that archery athletes, in addition to specific exercises, do such exercises to improve the function of the glenohumeral joint.
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Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/02/26 | Accepted: 2022/06/26 | Published: 2022/04/1

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