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● This research utilized qualitative methodologies through semi-structured phone interviews to understand the experiences, attitudes, and feelings of parents using open ended questions.
● The results of this study showed the physical activity levels in children with autism spectrum disorder has substantially decreased compared to before the COVID-19.
● Most of the parents reported weight gain, increased anxiety, decreased orderliness, effective communication, and social skill.
Plain Language Summary
Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 along with home quarantine which has created many challenges for children with ASD and their parents, the researchers decided to pursue research to explore the perception of Iranian parents about their child’s physical activity during the COVID19 pandemic. Interviews are used to achieve insights into a person’s experiences, attitudes, and desires among 40 parents who had children with autism spectrum disorder. Based on the findings of this study, following the COVID19 pandemic, the levels of physical activity in children with ASD have decreased. Parents also observed weight gain, increased anxiety, decreased orderliness and increase stereotypic movements in their children. Parents and educators can play an important role in this physical activity promotion. Iranian parents express a clear need for regular physical activity participation for their children with ASD to help cope with challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic and home quarantine orders.