Physical Treatments - Specific Physical Therapy Journal- راهنمای نگارش مقاله
راهنمای نگارش مقاله

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Physical Treatments
Authors, Guidelines
The Journal of "Physical Treatments" is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal. It is a scientific medium for all those engaged in the application of physical, non-medical or surgical agents in the management of patients' problems from impairments to disabilities. Researchers and clinicians are welcome to record, publish and share ideas and research findings, from basic foundations leading to treatment enhancement, to applied treatment protocols and techniques that serve to enhance the understanding of physical therapy.
Submission: Submission of a manuscript to Physical Treatments Journal (PTJ) must constitute of original research not previously published and not being considered for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts submitted under multiple authors are reviewed on the assumption that all listed authors have agreed on the submission and that a copy of the final manuscript has been approved by all authors. Manuscripts are first reviewed by the section editors to ensure their appropriateness relevant to the framework of the journal. The manuscript would then be peer-reviewed by related experts. If accepted, the article shall not be published elsewhere, without the consent of the Editors and Publisher.
Manuscripts of length up to a maximum of 4500 words will be considered for publication. Articles should be written in English, and double spaced with wide margins. The text should be saved as Microsoft Word files in single-column format, line numbers should be added. Keep the layout of the text as simple as possible. Most formatting codes will be removed and replaced on processing the article. The layout and style should adhere strictly to the instructions given and in particular, the reference style of the Physical Treatments Journal (PTJ). The author(s) must declare that all experiments on human subjects were conducted with the adequate understanding and written consent of the subjects. When experimental animals are used, the methods section must clearly indicate that adequate measures were taken to minimize pain or discomfort. All animal experiments must be approved by local animal care and use committees. 
Submission items include Cover Letter, Reviewer Suggestions (at least 3), Manuscript including Title Page, Abstract, Main text, acknowledgements, References and Tables/Figure Legends, Tables and Figures. 
Authors should submit their manuscript through on- line submission process of PTJ website: 
For further information please contact us with the PTJ mail Box: 
Title Page: This page should contain the following items: (i) complete title (preferably no chemical formulas or arbitrary abbreviations); (ii) full names of all authors; (iii) complete affiliations of all authors; (iv) the number of text pages of the whole manuscript (including Figures, Tables, and Captions) and the number of Figures and Tables; (v) running title; (vi) the name and complete address of the corresponding author (as well as telephone number, facsimile number and E-mail address, and if available URL address) to whom correspondence and proofs should be sent. 
Running title: A maximum of 40 characters with spaces should be provided. 
Abstract: An Abstract of up to 250 words describing the "Purpose" of the study, the "Methods", the "Results", and the "Conclusion" should precede the main text. 
Keywords: A minimum of 3 and maximum of 6 keywords or phrases should be provided, which should be adjusted with Medical Subject Headings (MeSH); preferably, these should be selected from the body of the text. 
Main text: In general, the main text of the manuscript should be organized as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, and References. Materials and Methods employed must be precisely stat‌ed, including the research design, sampling, data collection, and data analysis, so that the others could repeatedly do the experiment. 
References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of bibliographic information. Citations in the text should be by numbers in brackets and in turn of their appearance in the text. 
In addition, all references cited in the text should be listed at the end of the manuscript by numbers on a separate page. 
Reference to a journal publication: 
Author(s), "Article title," Journal Title, vol., no., page number(s), Month year. 
[2] R. Cubeddu, A. Pifferi, P. Taroni, A. Torricelli, and G. Valentini, " Physical treatments for headache: a structured review," Head and Face Pain, vol. 42, p. 1971, 1997. 
Reference to a book: 
Author(s), Book Title. Place of publication: Publisher, year, page number(s). 
[4] W.K. Chen, Handbook of Physical treatments. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123-35. 
Illustrations: Illustrations will appear either across a single column (8 cm) or a whole page (15 cm). The illustrations should be numbered in Arabic numerals according to the sequence of appearance in the text, where they are referred to as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Figure legends should be concise and clear and should not duplicate the body of the text. Each illustration must have a title and an explanatory legend. The title should be part of the legend and not be reproduced on the Figure itself. The legends should be placed on a separate page at the end of the manuscript and begin with the number of the illustration they refer to. All symbols and abbreviations used in the Figure must be explained. Also, please indicate their appropriate locations in the manuscript. 
Tables: Tables should be so constructed that they, together with their captions and legends, will be intelligible with minimal reference to the text. Tables of numerical data should each be typed (with double spacing) on a separate page, numbered in sequence in Arabic numerals (Table 1, 2, etc.) and referred to in the text as Table 1, Table 2, etc. The title of the table should appear above it. A detailed description of its contents and footnotes should be given below the body of the table. Also, please indicate their appropriate locations in the manuscript.
Conflicts of interest: Authors should disclose, at the time of submission, information on financial conflicts of interest or other interests that may influence the manuscript. Authors should declare sources of funding for the work undertaken. 
Proofs: Authors will receive proofs by email. Only printer's errors may be corrected; no change in, or additions to the edited manuscript will be allowed at this stage. The corrected proofs must be returned within 72 hours after receipt by email. If the Publisher receives no reply, the assumption will be made that there are no errors to correct and the article will be published. 
Reprints: A total of 3 reprints of each paper will be pro- vided free of charge to the author(s). 
Topic URL in Physical Treatments - Specific Physical Therapy Journal website:
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